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在这里整理了一些少见的或者是少数地区的民间才熟悉的可食用水果图象,其 中也有少数非食用的,
你可能没见过的水果和 山果
今天,新的瓜果已经不容易发现了,多数稀有品种只是因为受到生长地区的限制而不为外界所知。不过,下面图中的花,就是在科学杂志发表的在中南美洲新发现的 一种Gurania果实的花。
Rare gurania
Finding a gurania in bloom in a world of green is about as exciting as running into a flashy passion fruit flower. I discovered this one only two days ago close to the old roundhouse, which was destroyed a few years ago by a falling rubber tree. The plant is a vine belonging to the cucumber family, Cucurbitaceae. There are different species but the ones I've seen seem to be the same. In reality, I've never seen many of them, maybe an average of two or three a year. This flower was only off the ground 12 inches or so but I've seen them high up in the trees. An anonymous reader of the blog remarked that this may be G. eriantha. Sicence: Gurania makoyana: to understand if the plants have coevolved with their insect parasites, fruit flies that belong to the genus Blepharonuera (Diptera). Researchers address this question by comparing phylogenies (trees) that we build using data from DNA. Research on this project involves travel to field sites in Central and South America.
Tropical Fruits
印尼Salak果 Salak (Salacca) is a species of palm tree native to Indonesia and Malaysia. It is a very short-stemmed palm, with leaves up to 6m long; each leaf has a 2m long petiole with spines up to 15cm long.
Snake Fruit [Buah Salak (Salacca Edulis)]Tree
The fruit grow in clusters at the base of the palm, and are also known as snake fruit due to the reddish-brown scaly skin.
Buah Salak (Salacca Edulis)
The pulp is edible. The fruit can be peeled by pinching the tip which should cause the skin to slough off so it can be pulled away. The fruit inside consists of three lobes, each containing a large inedible seed. The lobes resemble, and have the consistency of, large peeled garlic cloves. The taste is usually sweet and acidic, but its apple-like texture
Babaco and 树蕃茄Tomate
Tamarillo (Tree) Tomate
树蕃茄,中国南方也有,我在云南从文山到版纳都见过和品尝过,味道类似蕃茄,似乎更甜,但水分较少, 十分耐储藏。Tamarillo, or Tree Tomato is a small, attractive, half-woody, evergreen or partially deciduous, shrub or small tree. The fruits are juicy and sub-acid, they are eaten out of hand, added to salads, used in preserves, jams, jellies etc. The mature fruits resemble a hen's egg in size and shape and, in the West Indies, ripen from October to January. The seedlings grow rapidly and generally produce the second year. Will grow indoors with warmth and bright light.
blue tomatoes
蕃茄里的稀有品种,包括极其稀少的黑蕃茄, 蓝蕃茄
Curious fruit
resemble elongated tomatoes or a pair of red horns.
Obviously salt tolerant, it would make an attractive specimen plant for a coastal garden in a warm climate.
Obviously salt tolerant, it would make an attractive specimen plant for a coastal garden in a warm climate.
Toga Striped Eggplant
Dillenia indica (eadible)
This evergreen spreading tropical tree is up to 60 feet tall. It has beautiful white fragrant flowers, toothed leaves and globose 3-4" edible fruits with small brown seeds.
Chilean Guava
Chilean Guava
介于火龙果和仙人果之间的 Cereus peruvianus
Night Blooming Cereus, Peruvian Apple, Column Cactus. Cereus peruvianus is a large erect, thorny columnar cactus. It is an unexplored, underutilized cactus, grown only as an ornamental plant, even though it produces attractive, edible fruits. The nocturnal flowers remain open for one night. The fruits are thornless and vary in skin color from violet-red to yellow. The flesh, which is the edible part of the fruit, is white and contains small, edible, and crunchy seeds.
Annona Squamosa Sugar Apple
Kerdas or Genuak
An edible, usually sweet and fleshy fruit.
An edible, usually sweet and fleshy fruit.
Exotic tropical fruits look and taste very different to apples and oranges
Ubaia. Eugenia patrisii
Labels: Amazon River, Bosque Santa Lucia, Botanical listing, Foods, Forest, Nature photography, Plants, Santarém, Seeds, Tapajós River, Tropical fruit, Woods, in Brasil
terkenal dgn nama Buah Jentik-Jentik
dengan biji
鹅莓生长在气候较冷的地 区,比如欧洲北部,北美北部。欧洲鹅莓(Ribes grossularia)和美洲鹅莓(Ribes hirtellum)是现代鹅莓品种的两个祖先。鹅莓颜色各异, 有白色,青色,粉紫色,紫红色,黑紫色……
此外,奇异果(kiwi fruit)曾被称作“鹅莓”,前身就是中国的猕猴桃(kiwi fruit,kiwi berry)。猕猴桃外国称“中国鹅莓”,民间称阳桃。
Gooseberries, not so rare.
直译为刺儿李,别名灯笼果。也有翻译为醋栗、醋栗莓的, 实际上与醋栗不同, 只是醋栗的近亲,同属于醋栗属植 物。鹅莓与醋 栗很容 易混淆,一个简单的辨别办法就是,鹅莓的枝干上有刺。有时, 甚至果子上都长刺;又译刺莓, 因为Gooseberry的果实都躲在茂密 的绿叶底下,披着细 毛,长在大量针刺的枝茎之间,采摘不易。 虎耳草目茶藨子科醋栗屬,丛生小灌木;果实绿色或黄色,多汁, 味酸甜。每100克果实含有 200毫克维生素C,含 量高出其它水果好几倍,仅仅次于猕猴桃位居第二。 同时内含的生物黄酮,具有软化血管、降低血脂和血压、 补钙和增强人体免疫力、抗癌等 作用。
醋栗 (Currant)
属于另一类浆果,虎耳草科醋栗属。醋栗 产于北方地区,主要产地包括欧洲中北部,亚洲北部和北美。 醋栗属植物种类繁多,平时常见的醋栗 可以分为红醋栗,黑醋栗和白醋栗。红醋栗(Ribes rubrum),味道比黑醋栗略酸,更常用来制作果酱和烹饪。 红醋栗的主要产地包括比利时,法国,德国,荷兰, 意大利北部和西班牙北 部,在亚洲和北美洲北 部也有相似的品种。黑醋栗(Ribes nigrum),在欧洲有着悠久的药用历史, 英国和德国的草药医生利用黑醋栗来缓解发烧,促进食欲, 还用作收敛剂和利尿剂。第二次世 界大战时期,像柑橘一 类富含维生素C的水果,在英国出现了可怕的短缺。 英国的气候不适合种植柑橘类水果, 因此英国政府便鼓励全国广泛种植黑醋栗。在乌云笼 罩的战争年代, 黑醋栗 为不列颠人民提供了可靠的维生素来源。白醋栗味道比红醋栗甜, 适合鲜食,其外观晶莹剔透,颇像精致的玻璃球。
Nanking Cherry: Prunus tomentosa
NanKing berry (南京樱逃?)
Hardy Kiwi: Actinidia arguta
Achee fruit
The ackee, a fruit brought to the Caribbean from West Africa during the slave trade, is only edible when it is exactly ripe. Underripe or overripe ackee causes a reaction known as Jamaica poisoning, which can be fatal. Despite the dangers, many in the Caribbean eat the fresh fruit on a regular basis. Canned ackee is available in parts of the US, but it is illegal to import the fresh fruit.
Prunus lyonii fruit
Prunus lyonii, a native to the Catalina Islands so technically this is a California native. Its a large shrub or small tree growing 15-20′, drought tolerant once established and hardy to around 15 degrees. Evergreen, large leaves, this is a very attractive functional shrub that can be used effectively as a screen. The fruits were an important source of food to California Indians.
Musa balbisiana,
this is a wild banana, an ancestor of today's bananas
The banana may be one of the first crops to be domesticated by man. They may have evolved along with the earliest settled agriculture and may therefore be some tens of thousands of years old.
Banana is now one of the most popular of all fruits.
Although it is viewed as only a dessert or an addition to breakfast cereal in most developed countries, it is actually a very important agricultural product. After rice, wheat and milk, it is the fourth most valuable food. In export, it ranks fourth among all agricultural commodities and is the most significant of all fruits, with world trade totaling $2.5 billion annually.
Yet, only 10% of the annual global output of 86 million tons enters international commerce. Much of the remaining harvest is consumed by poor subsistence farmers in tropical Africa, America and Asia.
Banana is now one of the most popular of all fruits.
Although it is viewed as only a dessert or an addition to breakfast cereal in most developed countries, it is actually a very important agricultural product. After rice, wheat and milk, it is the fourth most valuable food. In export, it ranks fourth among all agricultural commodities and is the most significant of all fruits, with world trade totaling $2.5 billion annually.
Yet, only 10% of the annual global output of 86 million tons enters international commerce. Much of the remaining harvest is consumed by poor subsistence farmers in tropical Africa, America and Asia.
龙宫果 (Longkong),无患子目楝科兰撒(或榔色木)属果实, 又名黄皮。外形像大颗的龙眼,黄皮,果肉似山竹, 口味则与龙眼相近,也 有点像柚子,剥开皮里 面是蒜瓣状的一片一片的果实。龙宫果是从英文的音译过来的。 外型与龙眼类似,连英文的名称也很像(龙眼叫Longan)。 吃法也很类 似,即都是要先把外壳 给拨开来,然后吃里面透明的果肉。但龙眼是一整颗果肉, 内部有一粒种子;而龙宫果比较像是橘子,里面是一片一片的, 类似在吃超大粒的 柚子果粒。
花 桃, 拉 丁 名:Amygdalus davidiana 蔷薇科 桃属(狭义桃属,广义李属)
This new fruit has some very unique attributes that sets it aside.
akebia fruit immagini
Pawpaw, Asimina triloba
American Custard Apple, West Virginia Banana, Indiana Banana. Deciduous tree growing to about 30 feet. The fruit is 3"-5" long and is almost black when ripe, with a highly aromatic flavor. The fruit tastes like mix of papaya and banana and is often called an Indian banana. The name pawpaw comes from the Arawakan Indian name for the papaya. Grows as far north as New York and southern Ontario, out west as far as Nebraska and Texas, and south to Florida.
Rose Hips
Rose Hips (Rosaceae Rosa) also called hipberries come from the rose plant. They are what is left after the rose petals fall off. Oil infused with Rose Hips offers many benefits to the skin. In addition to hydrating the skin, it helps reduce the appearance of scars, and helps nourish the skin with vitamins and minerals. Rose Hips are great for those with dry, sensitive, aging, or wrinkled skin. Many claim that Rose Hip oil helps reduce the appearance of scars left behind by acne. One cup of fresh Rose Hips has the equivalent amount of vitamin C in 60 oranges. Rose Hips also contain a high amount of natural tretinoin, a form of Vitamin A. Tretinoin has been known to reduce and protect the skin from damage caused by the sun. It also aids the skin in producing collagen and new skin cells. Rose Hips provide strengthening for hair as well as conditioning properties.
金樱子 学 名:Rosa laevigata Michx. 英文名:Cherokee Rose 科 名:蔷薇科 Rosaceae
金樱子 学 名:Rosa laevigata Michx. 英文名:Cherokee Rose 科 名:蔷薇科 Rosaceae
Banana Poka (Passiflora tarminiana): Look out for the vines!
July 2, 2010
There’s an old saying in the world of popular nutrition: “If it tastes good and looks good, it must be bad for you.” This old chestnut certainly holds true in the case of the Banana Poka (Passiflora tarminiana). Although it has large, beautiful flowers that attract pollinating insects and photographers in large numbers, and bears large, tasty banana-like edible fruit, this woody vine is one of the most aggressive and destructive of Hawaii’s many invasive plant species. The Banana Poka isn’t really common on Maui yet, but it is well established on Hawai’i, the Big Island, and also on Kaua’i, where I first encountered it (see photos above).
Ackee (pronounced "ack-key") is the national fruit and dish of Jamaica
Like reggae, Bob Marley, Red Stripe beer and Blue Mountain coffee, ackee is quintessentially and unmistakably Jamaican.Every Jamaican at home and abroad longs for a Sunday breakfast of ackee and saltfish (ackee sauteed with salted codfish or baccalao,onions and tomatoes), served with fried plantains, johnny cakes (fried flour dumplings), boiled green bananas or yellow yam, and a slice or two of Jamaican hard-dough bread.
Preferrably freshly picked ackee, of course, which is more flavorful and has a smoother more buttery taste; but canned ackee or frozen fresh ackee can be almost as good.
The ackee has an interesting history, diverse non-culinary uses, and the distinction of being a gastronomic delight with chimeric features: mouth-watering breakfast staple, and.....lethal poison, if prepared improperly. Ackees have high nutritional value and the exportation of ackee canned in brine is an important revenue earner for Jamaica and Haiti. Jamaica is the only Caribbean island in which the ackee is very popular, it is found in the other islands of the Caribbean, but is not consumed.
Preferrably freshly picked ackee, of course, which is more flavorful and has a smoother more buttery taste; but canned ackee or frozen fresh ackee can be almost as good.
The ackee has an interesting history, diverse non-culinary uses, and the distinction of being a gastronomic delight with chimeric features: mouth-watering breakfast staple, and.....lethal poison, if prepared improperly. Ackees have high nutritional value and the exportation of ackee canned in brine is an important revenue earner for Jamaica and Haiti. Jamaica is the only Caribbean island in which the ackee is very popular, it is found in the other islands of the Caribbean, but is not consumed.
Noni fruit, noni's Sanskrit name is Ayushka.
Morinda citrifolia
Nonu/Nono, Noni - a world-famous medicinal fruit. Germination rate around 90%. Fresh seeds right from the fruit!
Ume Double Pink apricot
Ume Double Pink apricot
秦岭白泡草莓[Fragaria pentaphylla], 看到如蜂房一样剔透映着纯洁蓝白色彩的它, 总会有童话感觉。吃起来跟 草莓区别很大,风味高雅细腻, 种子深红美丽,它也许是大自然中最美丽的果实。
Rollinia deliciosa Biriba
- Large yellow fruit with a bumpy surface and soft spines. Tastes delicious, and is described as a creamy lemon sherbet or a lemon meringue pie.
- Large yellow fruit with a bumpy surface and soft spines. Tastes delicious, and is described as a creamy lemon sherbet or a lemon meringue pie.
Annona purpurea
Soncoya, Toreta, Ilama. The fruit is rounded and 6-8", and is covered with a felt-textured brown skin. The surface of the fruit has hooklike projections. The pulp is similar in scent, appearance, and taste to that of the mango. It has many seeds. In Colombia, the pulp is eaten raw or is strained for juice, drunk as a beverage or folk remedy. In Mexico, Soncoya juice is regarded as a remedy for fever and chills.
Soncoya, Toreta, Ilama. The fruit is rounded and 6-8", and is covered with a felt-textured brown skin. The surface of the fruit has hooklike projections. The pulp is similar in scent, appearance, and taste to that of the mango. It has many seeds. In Colombia, the pulp is eaten raw or is strained for juice, drunk as a beverage or folk remedy. In Mexico, Soncoya juice is regarded as a remedy for fever and chills.
The ripened ovary or ovaries of a seed-bearing plant, together with accessory parts, containing the seeds and occurring in a wide variety of forms.
An edible, usually sweet and fleshy form of such a structure.
Common Name: Santol
Botanical Name: Sandoricum koetjape
Botanical Name: Sandoricum koetjape
各种番石榴(番荔 枝) Cherimoyas
Quandong Fruit(Santalum Acuminatum)
The Quandong is a truly exclusive native Australian fruit. Found in the dry and semi-dry region of all Australian mainland states, Quandong trees have been classify as belonging to the santalum genus of plants. Ideally tailored to dry environments, the Santalum Acuminatum is known to be a half-parasitic plant.一种少见的"石榴"果实,产于澳洲。
“Prickly Pear”
也叫“霸王果”或“非洲角瓜”水果仙人掌。味道一 般,有点淡淡的甜酸。据说营养价值很高。
黄金果(Solanum mammosum)
又 名乳茄、五代同堂、佛手茄、金兔果、五指茄。茄科茄属,多年 生小灌木,株高1米。 每年11月 成熟,果实色泽呈 黄金色,故称黄金果,黄金果内含丰富水分;果皮光滑,鸡蛋般大 小,金黄色,果实基部有3-5个 乳头状突起,其造型似兔耳、
Very unusual bright yellow fruit looks like small pear-shaped tomatoes, with nipple-like protrusions. Violet colored flowers. It shows thorns on its stem. This is an erect tropical shrub growing up to 4" tall. Fruiting branches can be used in tropical cut flower arrangements.
Sesbania punicea wholesale - seeds
It is a woody shrub that can grow up to 15 feet tall. The plant has bright green, drooping leaflets in opposite pairs, and the plant displays very attractive orange-red pea-like flowers in hanging clusters appearing from spring to fall.
Solanum quitoense, Naranjilla
This is an interesting plant with its red-veined leaves and murderous looking spines on both leaves and stems, its edible bright orange fruits resembling tomatoes or oranges.
藤黄果(Brindleberry,Garcinia cambogia)
果实很类似柑橘,又叫做罗望果、马拉巴罗望子。双 子叶植物纲藤 黄科的一种乔木。所结果实黄色和植物树种同名。
Buah lahung, buah lahung
红 毛丹(Rambutan),又名毛荔 枝、韶子、毛龙眼, 无患 子料韶子属,有36个种,系热带多年生常绿果树。果肉爽滑, 甜 酸适口,除鲜食外,还 可制果干、果酱和酿酒。
生长在大小兴安岭林区一带的杜鹃 花科小灌木笃斯秧上的浆果, 为大小兴安 岭的特产之一。亦称笃斯越桔。笃斯皮薄汁多,味酸甜非常可口, 当地人多习惯当野果食 用。居住在大小兴安岭的人们,把笃斯采回后,经自然发酵, 制成醇香甜美的笃斯酒,果酒厂,用笃斯为原料酿制而成的越桔酒, 色泽紫红, 清澈透明,酸甜适口, 余香久存,风味独特,醇香宜人,营养丰富,健胃养神。
野酸 梅
是全世界仅存的且极为珍贵的野生果种, 也 是世界罕见并濒危灭绝的 原始野果。 据《中国林木志》记载和国家野生植物研究所考证, 现仅有新疆的霍城 县大西沟及小西沟的山域生成着这种被称为亚洲珍稀的野果。 樱桃李,俗称野酸梅,属蔷薇科,颜色为深绿色,是落叶灌木, 高达8米,它的枝条细长,树叶繁茂, 结出的果实呈红圆球或紫黑色圆球形, 极为鲜艳美观。核大肉 薄,味酸甜。
Emblic, nillika, nellikya, Indian gooseberry, Amlaki, Amala 油柑
又 叫 油柑子。落叶小乔木,果实肉质,球形,成熟时成赤黄色或淡 黄色,可以生吃,也可用糖或者盐腌制后实用。油柑以果形圆大,Another Pepino, with some limes
人生果(Pepino,melon pear。拉丁名:Solanum muricatum)
又 名香瓜 茄、仙果、香艳梨、艳果、延寿果、蓬莱果。一 种很好的甜食辅料,可食率达95%以上,具有低糖、 高蛋白和 富含多种维生素、氨基酸以及微量元素的特 点。人参果是一种甜食辅料,它的全株 又是藏药之一,性味甘、温,有健脾益胃,收敛止血,生津止渴, 补血益气之功效,是有助健康,使人益寿延年的佳果。人参果果大, 质量 好,久负盛名。
Buah kenanga tidak boleh dimakan.
勒 瓢 早禾瓢
南腾, 牛卵驼, 拿腾 “猪屎泡”,名字不好听,很好吃 , 应该是木通的果实。木通果 Fructus Akebiae (英)Akebia Fruit 别名 八月炸、八月扎、野香蕉。【异名】盍合子、仙沼子(《 日华子本草》),压惊子(《医林纂要》)。肉白, 有点象香蕉的肉 ,比香蕉好吃,
Lulos (makes a tasty drink)
Quince (宣木瓜)
The largesse (click to enlarge; this one is worth it!)
人参 果
热情果(Passion fruit,Herba Passiflorae Coeruleae,Passionfiowe Herb),别名转枝莲、转心莲;又名鸡蛋 果、黄仙果、百香果、天生子、 文仙果、密果、奶浆果,为西番莲科植物西番莲 Passiflora coerulea L.。因而还有 一个名字,俗称“巴西果”。
(鸡) 蛋黄果
Red durian kalar
这种果子吃的人可能 很少,咸酸. (白白的是什么?盐!)
curry tree ------Edible curry leaf
Small or medium sized tropical/subtropical tree. 咖喱叶(印度咖喱的主要香料)
Purple-black fruited tree, most famous for its aromatic leaves that provide curry spice. Actual curry seasoning is a blend of ground cumin, ginger, coriander, cinnamon, turmeric, red pepper, fenugreek, allspice, black pepper, cardamom, cloves, mustard, fennel and mace. In that mix, several of the ingredients, including mustard, cumin, coriander, fennel and cinnamon, are roasted separately before being ground and added to the other ingredients.
热情果(Passion fruit,Herba Passiflorae Coeruleae,Passionfiowe Herb),别名转枝莲、转心莲;又名鸡蛋 果、黄仙果、百香果、天生子、 文仙果、密果、奶浆果,为西番莲科植物西番莲 Passiflora coerulea L.。因而还有 一个名字,俗称“巴西果”。
(鸡) 蛋黄果
Red durian kalar
这种果子吃的人可能 很少,咸酸. (白白的是什么?盐!)
curry tree ------Edible curry leaf
Small or medium sized tropical/subtropical tree. 咖喱叶(印度咖喱的主要香料)
Purple-black fruited tree, most famous for its aromatic leaves that provide curry spice. Actual curry seasoning is a blend of ground cumin, ginger, coriander, cinnamon, turmeric, red pepper, fenugreek, allspice, black pepper, cardamom, cloves, mustard, fennel and mace. In that mix, several of the ingredients, including mustard, cumin, coriander, fennel and cinnamon, are roasted separately before being ground and added to the other ingredients.
Lipstick tree, Annato. This erect shrub with large, glossy green, prominently veined leaves that can become a small tree several feet tall. It is grown as a garden ornamental less for its pale pink flowers, which last only one day, than for its highly decorative two-valved seed pods, covered with soft, deep red hairs.
Also called“Curry plant”----someone said they are edible curry red seeds(Annatto Seed, see below), not sure yet.
Annatto Seed (Bixa orellana) is a shrub or small tree related to the trees of tropical regions of the Americas. Approximately 50 seeds grow inside prickly reddish-orange, heart-shaped pods at the ends of the branches. The trees are literally covered by these brightly-colored pods, and one small Annatto tree can produce up to 270 kg of seeds. The seeds are covered with a reddish aril, which is the source of an orange-yellow dye. Its scent is described as “slightly peppery with a hint of nutmeg”. The indigenous Indians of Central and South American use these seeds to color their lips, giving this plant the name “lipstick tree”. Annatto Seeds contain protein, as well as alpha- and beta-carotenoids. Annatto oil is an emollient, and its high carotenoid content provides beneficial antioxidant properties. In body care products, Annatto oil provides antioxidant benefits while adding a rich, sunny color to soaps, creams, lotions, and shampoos.
Have you ever wondered where red curry get it’s color? It comes from the chalky red seeds of what my guide called the “curry plant”.
Also called“Curry plant”----someone said they are edible curry red seeds(Annatto Seed, see below), not sure yet.
Annatto Seed (Bixa orellana) is a shrub or small tree related to the trees of tropical regions of the Americas. Approximately 50 seeds grow inside prickly reddish-orange, heart-shaped pods at the ends of the branches. The trees are literally covered by these brightly-colored pods, and one small Annatto tree can produce up to 270 kg of seeds. The seeds are covered with a reddish aril, which is the source of an orange-yellow dye. Its scent is described as “slightly peppery with a hint of nutmeg”. The indigenous Indians of Central and South American use these seeds to color their lips, giving this plant the name “lipstick tree”. Annatto Seeds contain protein, as well as alpha- and beta-carotenoids. Annatto oil is an emollient, and its high carotenoid content provides beneficial antioxidant properties. In body care products, Annatto oil provides antioxidant benefits while adding a rich, sunny color to soaps, creams, lotions, and shampoos.
Have you ever wondered where red curry get it’s color? It comes from the chalky red seeds of what my guide called the “curry plant”.
Real curry plant (non-edible “curry” plant) 此咖喱非彼(印度)咖喱
Camu-camu (Myrciaria dubia) contains the highest concentrated source of naturally occurring vitamin C. When compared to orange, Camu Camu has thirty times more vitamin C along with ten times as much iron, three times as much niacin, twice as much riboflavin and fifty percent more phosphorus. It is also a significant source of potassium, minerals and amino acids. Camu-camu has anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, astringent, emollient and nutritive properties. The fruit also contains a wide variety of bioflavonoids that provide many benefits. The beta-carotene, riboflavin and niacin in Camu Camu promote healthy gums, eyes, skin, hair and nails.
Goldenseal Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis) has historically been used by Native Americans, both as a medicine and as a colorant. It is often used as a multi-purpose remedy, having many different medicinal properties. Goldenseal is astringent and antiseptic and has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. It is often added to other herbs to boost their medicinal effects. Goldenseal has strong activity against a variety of bacteria, yeast and fungi such as E. coli and Candida. It contains calcium, iron, manganese, vitamins A, C, E, and B complex.
Hawthorn Berry Hawthorn Berry (Crataegus oxyacantha) Hawthorne berry is found in Europe, North Africa, and Western Asia. It is a small thorny tree with reddish fruit and it is part of the rose family. Hawthorn has a long history of use as a medicinal herb. It acts as a vasodilator and has beta blocking effects along with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits. Hawthorn is rich in phytochemicals that benefit the heart and circulation. The antioxidant properties help rid the body of free radicals that damage cells. Hawthorn has astringent properties and may be helpful in treating seborrhea and acne, as well as, other inflammatory skin conditions. Hawthorn berries contain Vitamins C and B complex, carotene, flavonoids and sugars.
Juniper Berries Juniper Berries (Juniperas communis) are found on the evergreen juniper shrub, which grows widely throughout the Northern Hemisphere. Juniper Berries have been used since the 16th century in herbal medicines. They are rich in vitamin C, volatile oils and other nutrients. The antiseptic, astringent, diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties of juniper berries make them popular with herbalists today to treat a variety of ailments. Juniper Berries have helped detoxify and cleanse the skin. They have been used to treat dermatitis, psoriasis, skin inflammation, skin ulcers, oily complexions, acne and eczema.
Nutmeg Nutmeg (Myristica Fragrans) along with being a tasty spice and a culinary delight, Nutmeg has various health benefits. The benefits of Nutmeg are known since ancient times and it has always been perceived as a healing herb. Its benefits range from lowering blood pressure to soothing the stomach region and also detoxifying the body. Nutmeg is known for its many skin benefits and is used in the treatment of ringworm and eczema. The oil obtained from Nutmeg seed is also widely used and recognized for its medicinal properties.
Helichrysum italicum, sometimes listed as H. angustifolium, is the herb commonly sold as a curry plant by well-meaning nurseries and garden centers. It has a warm, curry-like fragrance, but is bitter to the taste. More reputable plant sellers will tell you the plant is not edible and will encourage you to grow the plant for use in potpourris and wreaths, but not for food.
RAKUM PALM is found in Myanmar, Thailand and Malaysia. It can be seen be seen wild in the forests as well as cultivated in private and public lands. This fruit, however, seems to be more popular in Thailand. Here the fruits are mostly from wild growing plants most of which are not of a superior quality. The fruits are sold and consumed locally, mainly fresh. The area planted with the with the inferior rakum forms has never been recorded.Fruit a drupe, occurring in dense heads, obovoid, 2.5 cm long, the skin (epicarp) consisting of orange-brown scales with reflexed brittle points; endocarp not differentiated.Seeds 1-3, covered with a fleshy sarcotesta which constitutes the edible portion.The sour unripe fruit and be a substitute for lime in cooking, whereas the ripe fruit is sweet and consumed raw. The wild form is grown as a fruit-bearing fence. Wild clumps in the forest not only produce food, but are also a major source of cork, thatch and other construction materials in rural areas.
Rare Chocolate Tree
Our chocolate is made using cacao beans. 果实可以鲜吃
黑瞎子果 又名羊奶子、黑瞎子果、山茄子、蓝果、蓝靛果忍冬,属忍冬科, 忍冬属。
Jaboticaba in Brazil:
Helichrysum italicum, sometimes listed as H. angustifolium, is the herb commonly sold as a curry plant by well-meaning nurseries and garden centers. It has a warm, curry-like fragrance, but is bitter to the taste. More reputable plant sellers will tell you the plant is not edible and will encourage you to grow the plant for use in potpourris and wreaths, but not for food.
RAKUM PALM is found in Myanmar, Thailand and Malaysia. It can be seen be seen wild in the forests as well as cultivated in private and public lands. This fruit, however, seems to be more popular in Thailand. Here the fruits are mostly from wild growing plants most of which are not of a superior quality. The fruits are sold and consumed locally, mainly fresh. The area planted with the with the inferior rakum forms has never been recorded.Fruit a drupe, occurring in dense heads, obovoid, 2.5 cm long, the skin (epicarp) consisting of orange-brown scales with reflexed brittle points; endocarp not differentiated.Seeds 1-3, covered with a fleshy sarcotesta which constitutes the edible portion.The sour unripe fruit and be a substitute for lime in cooking, whereas the ripe fruit is sweet and consumed raw. The wild form is grown as a fruit-bearing fence. Wild clumps in the forest not only produce food, but are also a major source of cork, thatch and other construction materials in rural areas.
Rare Chocolate Tree
Our chocolate is made using cacao beans. 果实可以鲜吃
黑瞎子果 又名羊奶子、黑瞎子果、山茄子、蓝果、蓝靛果忍冬,属忍冬科,
Jaboticaba in Brazil:
Star Apple. Hard to find exotic fruit tree. It is a favorite in the Caribbean and Central America as well as Southeast Asia. The fruit has a mild grape-like flavor, and is best eaten fresh. Inside the fruit looks like a star when cut across.
Tropical Apricot
Ketembilla, Ceylon Gooseberry - dark red fruit with acid pulp tasking like a stingent apricot. Grows very quickly under ideal conditions. Trees bear fruits in great quantities.
The famous Argentina calafate -- a type of very tasty barberry. It's said if you eat one you are destined to return some day.
malaysian ugly fruit (buah tampui)
马来西亚 丑水果 (tampui 水果)
马来西亚 丑水果 (tampui 水果)
Buah Tampoi / Tampui 單貝果 Baccaurea macrocarpa
Buah cermai dalam raga
Nama Tempatan: Nam Nam
Nama Saintifik: Cynometra Cauliflora
Euterpe oleracea
Fresh seeds, just harvested! Assai Palm. One of the most valuable palms that is famous for its anti-oxidant qualities of the fruit juice. It is a fast grower with multiple stems. The fruit is a round berry, black at maturity, pulp is edible and used in beverages.
Euterpe oleracea Palm hearts as food
Açaí Euterpe oleracea Palmae
Sorong Papan Tarik Papan
Buah Keranji Dalam Perahu
pohon strawberry
Carf, pohon apel?
buah Maqui berry
buah katak puru
Cucumber tree, Tree Sorrel. The bilimbi is closely allied to the carambola but quite different in appearance, manner of fruiting, flavor and uses. The fruit juice is popular for making cooling beverages on the order of lemonade.
pohon berry
这是叫做菇娘的水果 水果名称:红菇娘
酸浆以果实供食用。成熟果食甜美清香,是营养较丰富的水果蔬菜。浆果富含维生素C,对治疗再生障碍性贫血有一定疗效。果实有清热利尿功效,外敷可消炎,全 株可配制杀虫剂,也可供观赏用。 为茄科植物多年草本,原本是野生植物。多生长在山坡上,它耐寒抗旱,在我国北方和东北地区生长较 多。株枝上的果实呈多角灯笼形,内有圆形果球,如樱桃大小,秋天成熟后可食用,味甘甜。它还是一种中药材,有清热解毒,镇咳利尿的功效。又据现代科学分 析,菇娘果中含有十八种氨基酸,有二十一种微量元素和矿物质,还有八种维生素。又是无污染、风味独特、营养丰富的天然绿色食品。分为红菇娘和黄菇娘两种。 红菇娘又称锦灯笼、灯笼果。红菇娘的药用价值较高,在中药上称为“苦子”可清热、解毒、清痰止咳,治疗慢性气管炎,长期服用可预防和治疗糖尿病。黄菇娘又 称甜菇娘、金菇娘。甜菇娘属草本植物,抗病力强,维生素C、维生素E含量是其它果品的5倍。长期食用可润喉止咳,通便利尿,生津开胃,降血压,美容养颜。 甜菇娘的硒含量比普通水果高10倍,重金属含量为零。具有增强人体免疫力,防癌、抗癌之功效。
三月泡 别名糯饭飘粒,也叫饭飘, 企 晃刺、野杜利、竖藤火梅刺、饭消扭、割田藨,学名:Rubus hirsutus Thunb. 科属:蔷薇科悬钩子属 英文名:Hirsute Raspberry
地枇 杷 : 地瓜藤、地石榴、地胆紫、霜坡虎、地棠果、地板藤. 桑科榕属植物
地枇杷 Ficus tikoua Bur.。小时候被告之可以吃时,一尝,鲜美清香, 难得的好气息和好味道。植物叶子革质浓绿,很好认, 做页脉书签有立体感。有大片地 板藤的地方都是护土 坡,因此比较干净。这种植物护堤坡土的力气很大,应该推广。 记得日本研究中国北方环境保护文章里推荐过葛藤, 不知道是同一植物不。
Muskmelon, cucumis melo reticulatus
A model
只产于阿联酋沙漠中为数不多的几个绿洲中的椰枣,英文名为( Cluster of fresh dates),和其他地区椰枣不同,它是当成鲜果食用的。 据知其甜度很高,只需生吃十个轻易达到3000卡热量!
Cucumis anguria Spiny Cucumbers
"West Indian Gherkin"
Plant produces big vines with distinct leaves, closer to watermelon than cucumbers. Productive amounts of oval spiny fruits 2-3" long and 1½" in diameter. Distinct flavor, used for making small pickles or relish. Very drought tolerant. This variety dates back to at least two centuries. 60- 65 days.
Cucumis metuliferus
"African horned cucumber"
Bright orange, ovaloid fruit to 6-9", with numerous prominent spines. Flesh is bright green, watery, and with a slight sweetness. Description: The horned melon is a vining annual that can be grown practically anywhere, provided a warm season. Plants can produce up to 100 fruits on a single vine. Provide support for the tendrils to grab. Leaves and stems are hairy.
Cucumis spp
土生于非洲塞舌尔的Praslin和 Curieuse岛上的“Lodoiceacallipyge” ,就是传说中的“海底椰”
果实 非常像女性的臀部“Callipyge”本身就是“美丽屁股” 的意思。海底椰有止咳、清肺的药用,是塞国的国宝。 因产量极其有限,现存的 海底椰树受到塞舌耳当地政府的保护,已禁止出口, 仅在本地做观赏,
果实 非常像女性的臀部“Callipyge”本身就是“美丽屁股”
Black Walnut (Juglans nigra) The Romans recognized the medicinal properties of the Black Walnut centuries ago. They also thought that it was the fruit that their Gods lived on. Today it is recognized that Black Walnut contains antifungal, anti-parasitic, astringent and antiseptic properties.
Tabernaemontana elegans
"Toad tree"
"Toad tree"
This small to medium sized tree is perfect for a small garden. It reaches about 3-8m in height, with a single roughly fissured corky trunk. Its evergreen foliage is always a rich glossy green colour. It bears clusters of white star shaped fragrant flowers from the start of spring to the end of summer. The fruit is usually in pairs, with a look and texture similar to a toads skin.It will grow in semi shade to full sun, and requires moderate water in well draining soil. It is frost hardy to an extent.Apart from the yellow pulp being eaten on its own, the Zulu people add it to milk to speed up the curdling process. The seeds are also burnt, ground to a powder and mixed with tobacco for chewing or smoking. As a medicinal plant it has a variety of uses.
Easily propagated from seed. It requires full sun and must be well watered. It is half-hardy and young plants should be protected from frost.
Easily propagated from seed. It requires full sun and must be well watered. It is half-hardy and young plants should be protected from frost.
在非洲干旱的热带 草原上,生长着一种形状奇特的大树—— 它的名字叫波巴布树。由于猴子和阿拉伯狗面狒狒都喜欢吃它的果 实,所以当地人称“猴面包树”,英文 名称是baobab 。猴 面包树的果实为长椭圆形,灰白色,长30—35厘米, 纵切面约15—17厘米。其果肉多汁,含有有机酸和胶质, 吃起来略带酸味。既可 生吃,又可制 作清凉饮料和调味品。其果肉包裹很多种子,种子含油量高达15% ,榨出的油上等食用油。种子还可与杂粮混合食用。
下面是另外两种面包果(Breadfruit), 果肉有的类似于波罗密,如印度人食用的面包果,其他的有时被叫做榴莲,但是更象是可以吃的大个悬铃木果实。
下面是另外两种面包果(Breadfruit), 果肉有的类似于波罗密,如印度人食用的面包果,其他的有时被叫做榴莲,但是更象是可以吃的大个悬铃木果实。
Sausage tree
Fast grower, hard-to-kill plant! It produces large, dark red flowers that hang from the crown of the tree and huge sausage-like fruits. The mature fruits hang from the long stalks like giant sausages. They may be up to 3 feet long and weigh up to 30 pounds. Seeds however can be eaten only if roasted.
Guajilote, Guahalote (Parmentiera edulis, edible)
This highly ornamental tree is a conversation piece due to the interesting shape of its leaves and the greenish-cream flowers that grow directly from the stem or branch tips. The 1 ft long fruit resembles a greenish-yellow cucumber. The fibrous fruit is juicy with a sweet flavor similar to sugar cane.
Limau sari atau 'buddhas fingers' 一种佛手柑橘
古 称飞穰,又名佛手柑、五指柑、佛手香橼,芸香科植物佛手 Citrus medica L. var. sarcodactylis Swingle的果实。
佛手原产中国和印度,是一种名贵的果花卉和药用植物, 常绿小乔木或灌木。 佛手是我国 著名的观 果花卉之一。株高1-2米,常绿,枝叶灰绿色, 嫩枝新叶微带紫红,具短硬棘刺,有香气。单叶互生,柄短, 无箭叶,革质。一般春天开 花,结的果实 称伏果,先端分裂如指,多为“开佛手”。 夏季一般不开花或开花很少,结的果实,先端呈半分半合状。 秋天开花,结的果实称秋果,先端如 握拳状,多为“拳佛 手”。佛手冬至时成熟,果实呈古铜 色,香气袭人,不仅具有很高的观赏价值,而且也是一种健胃、 理气的中药。
肥胖佛手? 估计连佛界也不能免俗肥胖问题。
And more...
even more..
顺带列出几个价值不菲的非正常"水果" :
茶苞 , 又叫茶树泡,“茶匏”, 主要是由于油茶树的花蕾(或幼果)受真 菌(细丽外担菌 Exobasidium gracile(Shirai)Syd.)感染后形 成的,
油茶树叶 (染真菌后的?) 畸形品种 很像玉雕 晶莹剔透
淡淡的甜味 茶 耳(Teaear),又称茶挂、茶耳朵。
淡淡的甜味 茶 耳(Teaear),又称茶挂、茶耳朵。
Mealybugs (unidentified): as parasites of noni fruits.
Cyttaria espinosae parasitic fungal fruit on Southern Beech tree. Patagonia.
Also called "Beech strawberries" on southern-beeches. Edible.
Here's another parasite that people eat on purpose. Cyttaria espinosae is a fungus that is a parasite of beech trees (Nothophagus) and is native to Chile, where locals call it Digüeñe, Lihueñe or Quideñe. The fungus produces fruiting bodies that look remarkably like golf balls - and for a similar reason. The little divots in the fruiting body seem to promote air flow around them - which helps the fungal spores disperse in the wind. Locals like to serve them in salads and it supposedly has a gelatinous texture.
Indian Bread (parasitic fungal fruit)
一种奇异的菌生水果, 长在树节上,Indian Bread,南美当地印第安人吃的水果 (from fryking (赤道企鹅))
Wood Fruits Digüeñes, edible Chilean parasite mushrooms which grow on beech trees, a staple spring food of local Indians for more than eight thousand years
土苞子开花 -------玉米匏
Corn smut is a disease of maize caused by the pathogenic plant fungus Ustilago maydis. U. maydis causes smutmaize (Zea mays) and teosinte (Euchlena mexicana). Known in Latin America as huitlacoche, it is eaten, usually as a filling in quesadillas and other tortilla-based foods. 玉米匏, 玉 米黑粉米是一种鲜美真菌Ustilago maydis 感染幼嫩玉米而产生的。 英语叫corn smut. 接出的不是玉米粒而是甜鲜可口的蘑菇泡,颜色分白,灰,绿,紫, 黑,蓝等等和它们的混杂过渡色。不熟悉的人看了很吃惊, 可是种植者会 乐开怀,因为那"果 实"比起玉米来是既好吃又昂贵,吃不了从来不愁卖个好价钱, 或者干制和做罐头留着以后享受。
在墨西哥,玉米匏被叫作huitlacoche (“维特拉柯奇”),是一种正规食品,有多种吃法, 在饭店里常见。还被制成罐头。味道鲜美的类似蘑菇。现 在美国加洲 , 有人可以直接用这种菌种种出鲜美的huitlacoche 作食品,而不用通过种玉米来生产它。它常同其他蘑姑在一起卖, 10到20美元一磅。有的人喜欢生吃(吃 起来像炒面, 微甜鲜, 墨黑墨黑的,吃得满嘴满脸乌黑,很不雅观)。高粱上 也有, 但是好像除了中国别人不种高粱,所以大概知道研究开发的不多见 ....中国叫它乌米。美 国有罐装的 huitlacoche (也拼作 "cuitlacoche") 供出售。在墨西哥,长了huitlacoche的玉米, 卖出更高的价钱。
我们熟知的茭白也是 Ustilago属真菌感染产生的, 所 以它是特殊的鲜美蔬菜。茭草黑粉菌 Ustilago esculenta 为担子菌亚门(Basidioy cotina),蕉孢纲( Teliosporae),黑粉菌科( Ustiluginaceae), 黑粉菌原 (Ustilago)真菌。菌丝寄生在植物菰即茭草( Zizania caduuciflora)上。当然, 这回不是寄生在花托上,而是主茎中,所以, 它是只蔬菜而不是水果。
The last one is a fake picture, just for fun:
The last one is a fake picture, just for fun:
Question: 上图中的小鸟和下图里的苹果和不是雪白的而是紅顏色的山楂花 -----都是自然界真实存在的么?
Enjoy and protect THE nature.
红色 山楂树花 C.l.‘Paul’s Scarlet’, C.coccinea and C. laevigata
The funny group:
Buah Rambai与野山竹(Buah Tampoi)混在一起
Mata Kucing与Buah Lahung混在一起
马来西亚 丑水果 (tampui 水果)说明也不对了
Buah Tampoi是果皮黄色、果肉很像山竹但全白的水果
hi!very beautiful site.....